On Saturday, October 29, 2022, O Kalani is presenting the Wicked Fun Outrigger Race! This spooky event will feature OC1/OC2/V1 and surfski short and long courses just off of Alameda Island. Wear a Halloween costume for extra cool points – and get extra, extra points for racing in one! Hang out after the races with a bowl of chili and Faction beer in O Kalani’s yard!
A leash and PFD are mandatory to participate (Type II inflatable PFD is acceptable).
You must be able to remount your canoe in the event of a huli.
Light safety boat support to be provided.
We are using Webscorer for event registration, race timing, and results. Entry is $20 per single craft and $40 for OC2. Juniors (19 & under) are free!
Course maps to follow a week or two before the event.
Event parking will be located at the nearby back lot. Navigate apps to W Hornet Ave & Skyhawk Street., Alameda, CA.